Ministry Teams



Outreach combines the mission of the former Evangelism and Mission teams into a new team sharing their responsibilities.

The mission of the Outreach Ministry Team is show God's love and share God's Word with the world outside WPC. Responsibilities are to implement and continue welcome program including greeters, registration and followup; to develop a long-range program for reaching non-churched persons; and to develop and execute a process to assimilate new members into our congregation. Additional mission is to serve God's world through addressing the needs of those who are hurting. Responsibilities are to involve the church in community ministries, to sponsor special drives for donations of items/gifts as appeals arise, to provide leadership and creative ideas for ways to increase Christian outreach, to recommend to the session our congregations's commitment to Unified Mission giving, to recommend to FAS inclusions in the annual operating budget, and to plan, staff, and implement all Special Offerings.